Writing – The Beauty In Writing!

I have always loved writing.

It is my go to for expression of inner thoughts and inner self. As a thinker and introvert. I have always been at ease with ordering my thoughts and pouring them out on paper.

Writing – Writing, can be so easily taken for granted. Yet for many the right to an education and the freedom to write and express your thoughts freely is a challenge and in many cases denied.

Keep Writing!

I was watching one of Oprah Winfrey YouTube clips today and she mentioned how she has a huge painting in her living room called “To The Highest Bidder.” The painting is of a slave women and her daughter being sold. It acts a reminder for her, of those long passed and what they endured. For this reason she does not take her life for granted. She also has a document in her library listing slaves itemised as commodities with nothing but their name, age, work category and a price if sold. (Video clip below)

It made me stop to remember my mum who passed away this year. She had a difficult child hood and never completed her education due to relatives who she was entrusted to whilst her mum came to England failed to support her as they should have.

She loved to learn. She took her time to work through things as best she could. She never went back into education but I remember how she would slowly write out her letters if she had to write a letter or fill out a form. Carefully, precisely, etching her words out. The same pace as a child who was learning to write joined up letters in school. The confidence that would be depicted through speed was missing, as if she was somewhat trapped in those early years of learning and robbed of the years where her confidence would have grown.

It made me value and treasure what I have because of her and those before her.

Education and the power and freedom of writing is often taken away or denied a person, in order to limit, control and constrain them. A mechanism to restrict a person from becoming all that they can be.

Writing and reading are both a gift and a pleasure. A space for your thoughts and your mind to flourish.

For this reason I choose to encourage and up lift others up through my writings. To be a positive influence in an online world.

I write to express my faith, use my coaching insight and also to write stories in my third blog anonymously. I cannot tell you how much this feeds my mind.

Writing is a door to so many worlds. All of which resides in you.

Clearly the blogging world as huge as it is only reflects a part of the wealth of those who write.

So keep writing, feed your creativity. It gives back in more ways than you may realise. Do just think about writing a book, start to put clear goals in place to make that book become a reality.

What do you have in your mind? Is it to write a devotional? Create a journal, create a planner? Create an ebook? What ever it is. Start to move it from just an idea to becoming a reality?

Until my next post. Be the change you want to see.

To The Highest Bidder

Gloria (Aquene7)

About aquene7

I am a mother, a grandmother and Christian, all an essential part of who I am. I happened upon Blogging and found out how to mesh something I have done through out my life which was encouraging those who were friends and family and my love of writing. In doing my usual personal development I came in to the world of coaching and totally fell in love with it and I am currently studying to become a Personal Performance/Life Coach with The Coaching Academy. I absolutely love writing and thought this would be good way to combine these three passions in one place. I hope you find my blog does what it says on the tin, which is to encourage readers with positive and motivational posts:-) Update: 23/3/14: I finally decided to put a face to my blog:-)

Posted on December 10, 2020, in Motivational and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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