Category Archives: Life Line

Blogging Life Line

Life Line (2) (640x427)

Created by Aquene7 for Stepping2YourDreams Blog

This is a monthly feature to my blog, in which I mention blogs or posts that have impacted people’s lives beyond just a simple read.

This month my focus is for Side By Side a blog magazine on Mental Health.  It came about through the blog creators journey in coming to terms with Mental Health issues in her family and from a simply act of volunteering, it changed the course of her life to becoming an Advocate and therapist for Mental Health issues.

It has so much information which is also very engaging.  So why not hop on over and have a gander – Less Judgement & More Curiosity is a great post to start with:-)

I know in places I have worked, I have seen people suffering with depression but refusing to inform work for fear of being labelled or stigmatised under the banner of having ‘Mental Health Issues.’ Which means they don’t always get the support they need.

Do remember, if you read a post or a blog that has a wonderful center to it like this, and it impacts past just being a good read, I would really love to hear about it, so I could feature it in Blogging Life Line.

Hope you find this post to be an encouragement, as that is what my blog is all about, the encouragement of others.

Be the change you want to be, until next time.



Blogging Life Line

Life Line (2) (640x427)

Created by Aquene7 for Stepping2YourDreams Blog

This is still a very new area for my blog but it will be a regular monthly feature to mention blogs or posts that have impacted people’s lives beyond just a simple read.

The first is The Abuse Expose With Secret Angel. A blog created by a lady who has been a victim of domestic violence and abuse, Secret Angel has established a ministry whose purpose is to educate and reach out to others who may also be victims of abuse. It certainly is a Life Line to many and enables those who may feel they have no voice to find it.

For me its this blog reflects what faith and a strength to overcome can do. Secret Angel is not one for accolades etc but her blog is very informative and one to remember, as you never know needs to know it’s there.

My second blog is Self Reflection and the post is called 4 Women & An Opinionated Man.  In this post Vernon acknowledges the blogs that have really helped him during his time as a blogger. These blogs inspired him and really impacted him and his faith. A great post which was really encouraging.

So if you read a post or a blog that has a wonderful center to it like these, and they impact past just a good read, I would really love to hear about it, so I could feature it in Blogging Life Line.

Hope you find this post to be an encouragement, as that is what my blog is all about, the encouragement of others.


Be the change you want to be, until next time.



Blogging 101: Create A New Future

Challenged again, this has been such an amazing journey, all I can do, is smile:-)

So I pulled out my creative side again and decided on another category for my blog, one that would recognise posts that bring about or reflect significant change in someone’s life.

Life Line (2) (640x427)

Created by Aquene7 for Stepping2YourDreams Blog


So without further ado, my choice is a post that opened up my eyes to the power of WordPress and its massive global community. I can only describe it as a post that has viral figures for followers and responses. However, it started from an ordinary point of truth in one lady’s life, one unforgettable day.  In no way did I ever considered how writing could literally save your life, until I read this. This post was about relationship and some people seem to make some really powerful connections.  I recently wrote a post called The Horse Whisperers Of Life and I feel that for the posts that get featured on this page, it shows how people can connect and impact another persons life. Either through their posts or via their comments.

The post I read, was one I clicked on simply out of curiosity of the title from the dashboard under News.  Surviving A Stroke at 33 (and Blogging About It) The whole story amazed me and I had to read Christine Huang Oak Lee’s original post Writing Under a Pseudonym. It revealed the powerful support and connection of her readers and the genuine hearts they had for her.

These readers were her friends, dare say angels, at a pivotal time in her life and they truly impacted her life. Do check out both posts, and I hope you find them as special as I did.  I would love to be able to keep this feature going but recognise WordPress a massive community and there is no way I will come across all the potential posts that show how a blogger or reader impact a person’s life like this one did.  So if you read a post that has a wonderful center to it like this, a life line for the blogger or a reader, I would really love to hear about it, so I could feature it in Blogging Life Line.

Hope the page will be an encouragement, as that is what my blog is all about.


Be the change you want to be, until next time.



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